4 MAY 1907, Page 3

If the principle of the new Bill is sound for

Noncon- formists, it is sound for Churchmen. "But their case is worse still," for under the Act of 1902 they are required to maintain the structures of the schools in which alone the teaching they approve may be given. This is a contribution more than equivalent to the cost of that teaching. Thus under the new Bill Churchmen will pay thrice in respect of religious instruction, twice for what they approve, and once for what they disapprove. Churchmen have not hitherto accepted the proposition that a ratepayer is entitled to refuse to pay rates which defray the cost of teaching he rejects; but if Parliament solemnly justifies such refusal, the case is evidently altered. In the face of such injustice, if the Bill passes it will be both the right and the duty of Churchmen to withhold a proper part of the Education-rate. If in con- sequence they incur the hardships of distraint and imprison. ment, "they will have the right to look to you and your colleagues for that sympathy, approval, and relief which you are now extending to Nonconformists complaining of a similar but less aggravated grievance."