4 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 14


The Lady Annabetta; a Novel. Ity the Aiithoress et "Constance " end 1t.1, .1 • In 3 v"Is. Saunders and (It


Chelsea Hospital, anal its Traditiens. By the Author of" The Country Curd..."

the Slibalterm" &c, gre, In 3 vol. Bentley.

The Bench and the Ear. By the Author of " Random Recollections of the Lords

and Commons." &c. &c Cedars. -Grrriltsitts, Jennings' Landscape Alumni for IS34—The Tonrist in Spain and Moron-as By Thomas Iteseoe. Iltestrated from Bras ins by David Roberts Jenn;n!p . The Diiental Annual for IR:IS—Scenes in India. By the Reverend Hobart C.dim

ter, B.D. tsenty.txu Engrinincs rium Dr:ming, lit William Daniell, It A .


Forget Me Not; a Christmas. New•Yr•ar's, and Birth.day Present, for 1°38. Ed;ted

by Frederic studied Ark/Taman.