4 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 8

In addition to the results of Municipal Elections mentioned in

the first page, we learn from the Evening Papers, that the Liberals have succeeded in Sudbury, Faversham, Chippenham, Chester, Wigan, Bed- ford, Beverley, Buckingham, and Tiverton ; and the Tories in Har- wich, Scarborough, Windsor, Newark, Plymouth, II utaingden, andOx- ford. Returns from several other places are given, but they merely state the names of the members of Council chosen, leaviog ignorant persons to guess at the politics of Mr. Spokes, Mr. Davis, ale Jack- son, and Mr. Prowse. It should be borne int mind, that the patty elect- ing the minority to fill the vacancies, may yet retain a majority in the entire Council.