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THE Queen and Prince Albert have returned to Windsor Castle from their visit to Cambridgeshire. Before the dinner at Wimpole, on Fri- day, addresses were delivered to her Majesty and the Prince, from the County, by the Earl of Hardwicke, Lord-Lieutenant, Mr. Edward Humphreys Green, High Sheriff, Mr. Eliot Yorke, M.P., Mr. J. Eaton, M.P., and Mr. J. P. Allix, M.P. Covers were laid at dinner for twenty-six. At night, the principal apartments were thrown open for a grand ball. At the south end of the gallery, was a dais, carpeted with crimson cloth ; and on the dais a sofa, covered with a beautiful piece of - -drapery, given by Louis the Fourteenth to the poet Prior, and by him to the Earl of Oxford—the possessor of Wimpole before its purchase by Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. The company began to arrive at nine o'clock, and at half-past nine the Royal party repaired to the gallery. The Queen wore a light-primrose-coloured silk dress, brocaded with gold and colours; a wreath of flowers, with diamonds and emeralds ; and the riband and jewel of the Garter. Her Majesty took her seat on the dais, the persons of her court and of the mansion ranging themselves on either side. The Queen opened the ball with the Earl of Hardwicke ; Prince Albert dancing in the same quadrille with the Countess of Hard- wicke. At half-past eleven, the Queen and Prince Albert withdrew, and, after spending half an hour in the supper-room, retired to rest.
Early on Saturday morning, the Royal pair walked out without attendants, and visited the Earl of Hardwicke's farm. At eleven, they took leave of their host, and departed, with the suite in three carriages, escorted by a detachment of Yeomanry for the first stage. The escort was relieved from time to time by parties of dragoons ; and the journey to London was marked by demonstrations of loyalty similar to those of the journey down. At Waltham, under the direction of the Reverend Morris Matthew Preston the Rector, the ancient cross, erected by Edward the First to mark the place where the body of Queen Eleanor rested, was enclosed, leaving sufficient space for the principal carriage to enter. The enclosure was decorated with evergreens, and a man holding an ancient banner stood at each side of the cross. The Rector was in attendance. He had, when her Majesty before passed through the town, given her a book describing the cross ; to which the Queen now referred, and she pointed out the several parts of the structure to Prince Albert. Having thus spent five minutes, the party resumed their way. The Paddington station of the Great Western Railway was reached at ten minutes to four o'clock; and at a quarter to five the travellers entered Windsor Castle.
The Grand Duke Michael of Russia arrived at the Castle on Mon- day, attended by Major Tolstoy, Dr. James Wyllie, and Captain Mey- nell. On the same day arrived Baron Brunow, the Russian Minister, the Earl of Jersey, Sir James Graham, Sir Henry Wheatley, Mr. and the Honourable Miss Stanley. Soon after the arrival of the Grand Duke, the Queen, as a mark of royal favour, conferred the honour of knighthood on Dr. Wyllie; who is nephew to Sir James Wyllie, prin- cipal physician to the Emperors Alexander and Nicholas. On Tues- day, Prince Albert took his Imperial Highness to see Eton College. After their return to the Castle, the Grand Duke took leave ; and all the other visiters named above also departed.
On Wednesday, arrived Prince Alexander of the Netherlands, ac- companied by M. Dedel, the Netherlands Minister. His Serene High- ness and Prince Albert hunted with the harriers on Thursday morn- ing; and on the same day Prince Alexander and M. Dedel returned to town.
The Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe Langenbourg returned toWind- sor Castle on Thursday, from Whitley Court. On the same day, the Dutchess of Kent returned to Frogmore, and joined the dinner-circle at the Castle, as usual. The Duke of Cambridge left town on, Monday, to visit the Duke of Rutland, at Newmarket ; and returned. ail Thursday.
The Grand. Duke Mabee dined wffillialbron Brunow ; on Saturday the Duke of Cainbridgasbehig of Mew*. On Monday, his Imperial Highness visited the United Service Cluks.the establishment of Messrs. Mortimer and Hunt, the Coltosseurn, the Diorama, and the Cavalry Bar- racks in Albany Street. On Tuesday, be received Prince Alexander and a select party to dine, at Mivart's Hotel. On Wednesday, he visited the Office of the Board of General Officers for the Inspection and Regulation of the Clothing of the Army, in Whitehall Yard ; paid various private visits ; and entertained a more numerous dinner-party at night. On Thursday, attended by his suite, the Grand Duke visited Greenwich Hospital, and embarked at Woolwich for Rotterdam.
Prince Alexander of the Netherlands arrived at Mivart's Hotel on Saturday, from Drayton Manor ; where he had been visiting Sir Robert Peel.