4 NOVEMBER 1848, Page 9

This week has brought forth Lord Stanley in renewed political

activity: besides the letter to the electors of Lynn, respecting his son's succession to that seat, the papers publish another from Lord Stanley to Mr. Thomas Baring, written on Wednesday last ablaut a subscriptim for a testimonial in memory of Lord George Bentinck; a project to which Lord Stanley lends his appropriate and powerful support. But the remarkable point in his letter is the place from which it is dated—" Woburn Abbey." The subscription for the repurchase of the Chandos testimonial is now complete, and the members of the Committee are about to meet and decide on the best mode of presenting it to the Duke of Buckingham. The Stowe estate will ere long be deprived of the whole of its timber. A further and far more extensive sale than the last one is to take place shortly. Persons are now employed in marking the various lots ready for the auctioneer's hammer.—Tieses.