4 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 18


BRITISH FUNDS. cClostpg Pricerp Sa1terd.idlooday.I Tuesday.1..,—,-:-- 1 Teednes.i Thom; • Frid,''' 1

1 ' - L._

a per Celli Cobsols A/ 511 911 ' . 511 .911

Ditto for Account 9 II 95 94a f ,9.4A i 1

3 per Cents Reduced 931 i 931 931 1 ; o

New 3 per Cents ' .03 . ;534 . .50 e 933 i Va Lone Annuities 4 - - 41 4g , 24i1 , 4.

. .

Bank Stock, 9 per Cent — I 212 213 1 't 211 211 India Stock, 101 per Cent .. ......... --• ... — , 11 1 231 i 232

Exchequer Bills. eld. per diem e pm. 6 5 1 6 ' 6 India Sonde 4 per Cent 13 pm. I 1c. '' — ; —


901 cx .j

70 t

95 85/ 881 38 161


l3 Fns.

Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest 3,132,547 Public Deposits' 1,905,512 Other Deposits lt,411,511 Seven Day and otherBills 1,130,640 £32,103,215 432,1132151

• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks;Commissionersofliarlonal Debt. & DividenffAcctl

Per ton.

0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 ,. 23 '5 0 111 .. 19 0 0

Wbeat,R-New 70 to 75 Rye 401046 Maple 0 to 0 Oats, Feed .. 28 to 31 Fine 75-78 ; Barley 3i/ - 3 i 'White .... 59.-52 Fine ,. 31-33 Old 0- 0 Malting .. 35-37 Rollers ... 0- 0 Poland ... 31,;- 33'

White 0 - 0 Malt, Ord... 64-72 Beans, 'Eck s. 0 - 0 Fine .. 33-34

Fine . , - 0 - 0 , , Filic 74 -75 Old Super. New. 0- 0 ,' Pearl, Rog .. 38-42 Indian. Corn 42-46

0- 0 Potato - . 35 - 37 Fine .. 37-0 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. 1 WEEKLY AVERAGE..

Per Qr..1mperial) of England and Wales. I For the W..ok ending Oct. 28. Wheat.,,.. 50s. 9d. I. Be

Barley ..... 30 4 Beans Oats 25 6 Peas 39' 0 Oats 35s. - 2d. . Wheat - 606 71. Rye

41 - 0 I Barley 22 1 Beans

26 6 Pena 45 4

42 8 36 s 2d,


9s. Butter-Best Fresh, 15s.'04.- per-don.

4 Carlow, 51. 2s: to 51. 60. per ewt. ' 0 Bacon, Irish per cwt. 700: to 72s. 4 Cheese, Cheshire 68 , es. 70. 8 Derby Plain 60 -AS

8 Hems, York -4 - ft Eggs, Fres,h, per 120,00. Od. toes. ed.


NENTELiTE awn YLLTIENHALL.. BILITHFIELD.• HELD OT C. "'Lit LT ' T. d. e. 4. e.. d. e. d. r. d. s. d. SIIITTII ELT. Beef .., 2 9 to 3 4 to 4 2 .... 3 2 to 4 6 to 5 0 ;I - Friday. Idonce./. Murton. 3 0- 3 6 - 4 0 .... 3 9- 4 6- 5 0 Beasts . 995 0,301. Veal .. 210- 3 4 - 4 4 .... 4 6 - I 8 - 5 0 'Sheep . 3,40 27.080

Pork ,. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 10 .... 4 2 - 4 8 - 5 0 Calves. 261 159

Latali.: 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 tr - 0 0 Pigs ... 260 050

• To sink the offal, per 8 lb. Wit tzecnir et.

Sls. to :15s.

0 40 - 60 110 -120 11 A It E 8.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday. Evening.)


Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow .

Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby .

Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle Loudon, Brighton, L South Coast

London and Blackwell

London and North-western Loudon and South-western Midland • Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwick


Oxford, Wor. and 'Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-eastern and Buser

Doom- East and West India

London St. Katherine Victoria



British North American


Commercial of London

London Chariot. Bak. of Australia London Joint Stock London and Westminster National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of Loudon Mines-- • • Ague. Fria Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Ile') Cobre Copper Rhymney Iron Mumma-Ls sous-

A.ustratian Agricultural

Canada Crystal Palace General Steam

- Peel River Land and Mineral

1061 Peninsular and Oriental Steam

- Royal Mail Steam

14 South Australian 96 611 034 113 501


711 103 73/ 791 lee 81 102 82 01 34 771 51 321 62

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8 Is Victoria, cap. 22, for the week ending on Saturday, the 28th day of October 1654. TASTE DTTATTTISKT.

£27,022,310 Government Debt £11,015,1C0 Other Securities 2,484,940

Gold Coin_and Bunion ..... 13,022,310

Silver Bullion 527,622,310 527,022,315


Notes Issued 601 171 311 35 401

• 50 7011



31 471




33 601 591 361

CANDLES. GROCERIES. _ per cwt. £2 8 Pea, Souehong, fine,per lb.. Is. 21. WO 21 sd. Congon, fine ... . . . 1 5 19 Pekide, Iloyeety 1 4 -. fl Bonti-Duty_ls. ed. per lb. Coffee, fine (in.bond) cwt. 62, 6/1. to 85s. 6,1. Good Ordinary 46s. 661 --460. ed. Sugar, MuscoVado, per cwt... 20.- 3'.

West India Moles,. 17,.01. to 161.0d.

. °I's, coaLi,

Rape Oil

&seined ....-..

Linseed Oil 1 /6 0 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 15 0 0

Candles, per dozen 03. 02. to Os. Oil..

Moulds, per dozen ., 0s. Od. to Os. 04. coals, lietson . Os. 00. Tees O.. 04. FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct.


41 -

Ditto 21 - Brazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres - Milian 6 - Danish

6 -


3 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - Ditto 4 - French 3 - Ditto

hlassachusetts (Sterling) 5 — Merman 3 p. et.

New York' 5 /5-• - Peruvian 41 Portuguese 5 -

Ditto. s

Russian 5 • Ditto 41

Sardinian 5 - Spanists.... 3 Ditto New Deferred 3

Ditto (Passive) Turkish Scrip 6

Veeeinelli ......14 .....1 . a 34 -


91 511 — 58 104 100 781 601 DJ]

Government Securities. (iS-

cludzi g Dead WeightAnnaity) £10.90.762 Othe securities ' 14,556,912

Notes 6,00.425 Gold and Silver Coin 551,116 BULLION. Per oz. METALS.

Foreign Gold In Bars, Standard .... £3 17 9 eopper,Britisheelter £126 0

Foreigu Goldineoin,Portugel Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh liars A 0

New llollars 0 5 0 Lead, British,Pig ..... 22 5

Silver in Ilar,S,S taadard 0 5 11 iteel, Swedish Keg... 18 10

. .

GRAIN, Mark Lane, Nov. 3.

Icrn,made per sack RD. to 7

;Seconds 60 - Essex and Suffolk, on hoard ship 56 - 6

Norfolk 'end Stockton 54 - 5

American per barrel 36 - 4 ' Canadian 36 - 4 Bread, Sid. to 11d. the 419. loaf.

HOPS.- l' _ 'WOOL. Rent Pockets 3003. re 820s. 'Delta and half-bred Hogs per lb. 10d. to 01. k

Choe ditto 0 0 ^I,Nthizir and Ewe 10 -11 / Sussex ditto Farnham ditto 495 -= - 8157 [14c-eater Sogget and wether... s 111

— o

0 • 0= SkinGerablug , - HAY AND STRAW. (Fel' 1,05d" ae ''.11.18e9-) Culfaill14.1.. _ Ai itirista.

Hay, G'eod 35.. to 105s. Ala., to 921- Inferior 55 ..- SS .- ..... ... 50 - 60 7

.New s6 • • 0 - 0 Clover 115 -120 118 -120 Wheat Straw 32 - 30 20 -- 32