4 NOVEMBER 1876, Page 1

The new President of the United States will be elected

on Tuesday, the 7th inst., though he• does not enter upon office till March, 1877. The chances of the candidates are, up to this time, exceedingly doubtful, though those of the Democrats have im- proved. The election is believed to rest with the State of New York, and there Mr. Tilden has been strengthened by his declara- tions in favour of "hard money," and by the reconciliation at last effected among his Irish followers. In fact, if the South could be relied on to vote as a unit, his election might be considered certain, but it is just at this point that the calculation may break down. We publish elsewhere a short history of Mr. Hayes, which will show that he is a more considerable man than the public believes, and Mr. Tilden is the most creditable candidate put forward by the Democrats for some time. The main objec- tion to him is that after his election he would be surrounded by men far less sound, both on the currency, and on the necessity of negro freedom from oppression, as well as from slavery, than he himself is.