4 NOVEMBER 1876, Page 23

The Antiquities of Israel. By Heinrich Ewald. Translated from the

German by Henry Spain Solly. (Longmans.) —It is scarcely necessary to say that Dr. Ewald does not regard the Pentateuch—and this volume is practically a treatise on the Pentateuch—.from the point of view which is familiar to an English student. He takes it for granted, for instance, that Deuteronomy is the work of a much later period than that to which the books which it professes to recapitulate are to be referred. And generally he treats the whole subject with a freedom, many would be inclined to say with an audacity, which is quite strange to our usual habits of thought. But the book is a monu- ment of learning and ingenuity, which no one who wants to penetrate into the real meaning and bearing of the early Hebrew Scriptures should neglect to study.