4 NOVEMBER 1893, Page 19

The German Emperor is not out of his difficulties with

his subjects. It appears from the official returns that, although he had a small majority in the Reichsrath for his Military Bill, the mass-vote went against him, 4,323,000 electors disap- proving the Bill, against 3,225,000 who recorded votes in its favour. Among the former were 1,786,000 Social Democrats, who are now the largest single party in the Empire, even the Centre receiving only 1,468,000 votes ; the Conservatives, 1,038,000 ; and the National Liberals, 996,000. Moreover, the Socialists increase more than any other party, for while the Radicals show an increase of only 100,000 and the Ultramontane and Conservative votes are stationary, the Socialists have increased by 359,000. We must still, however, believe that the Socialist party is a compost of opinions, and that it is swelled by hundreds of thousands who only vote for its doctrines because they want more physical comfort.