4 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 9

Life's Possibilities : a Book for Girls. Edited by E.

A. D. With a Preface by the Right Rev. A. F. Winnington-Ingram, D.D., Bishop of Stepney. (A. R. Mowbray and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—T his is 'a collection of pleasant stories and essay s by a great many different authors, bound together in a common purpose of edification. The idea of the contributors has been to make a book of entertaining reading, sufficiently stimulating to be attractive to the young, and not involving any element of unwholesome sensation or excitement. Among the contributors are Lady Frederick Caven- dish, Lady Laura Ridding, Lady Sophia Palmer, Mrs. Watford, Mrs. Russell-Barrington, and Lady Henry Somerset. Such sub- jects as Dress, Reading, Amusements, Influence, Good and Bad Workmanship, and even Love are discussed with considerable freshness. Throughout, the endeavour has been to point a high Christian motive while avoiding cant and goody-goodiness. We need do no more than endorse the wish of the Bishop of Stepney that the volume may have the wide circulation its good intention and careful work deserve.