4 NOVEMBER 1905, Page 20

Aah (F.), The Radium Seekers, or 8vo .. . .....

......... .............. -.a. Pitman) 5/0 Bengal in 1756-1757, Vol. I., ed. by S. C. Hill, 8vo (J. Murray) net C310

Blackburn (D.), Richard. Hartley, Prospector, or 8v0 (W. Blackwood) 6)0

Boulton (W. B.). Thomas Gainsborough, 8vo (Methuen) net 7/6 Brooke (8. A.), On Ten Plays of Shakespeare, Elvo (Constable) net 7/6 Brown (H. D.), Critics or Christ ? cr 8vo (Partridge) 2/6 Brace (W. S.), Social Aspects of Christian Morality. 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) net

Clayden (A. W.), Cloud Studies, or 8vo ....._. . ..— ...... —.U. Murray) net

Cobb (B.), Jack Frost, and other Merry iprites, 4to (Nelson) Connor (R.), The Pilot at Swan Creek, or 8vo.........(Hodder & Stoughton) Cook (W. A.), Plays and Poems, cr 8vo ... . ... ...--(Sherratt & Hughes) net Cooke (W. B.). The Horned Owl : a Novel, or 8v0 (Dome) Crawford (F. 21.), Soprano : a Novel, or 8vo (Macmillan) Crosse (M.), The Irony of Fate, Cr 8vo (Greening)

Day Book of Hilton (A), compiled by B. F. Towndrow, 12mo (Methuen) net Be La Pasture (Mrs. H.), The Man from America, or 8vo (Smith & Elder) Dickie (W.), The Culture of the Spiritual Life, cr Svo (Hodder & Stoughton) Ellis's Demonstrations of Anatomy, 8vo (Smith & Elder) net Elwea (A. T.), The Zoo, Past and kresent, 4to (Gardner & Darton)

English (D.), Beastiea Courageous, 4to (Bousfield) net Ferreira (A..1.), Blots and Titters, 4to .... . ..... - .. ............. ........ (Greening)

Freeman (AL E. W.), The Debtor: a Novel, or 8vo (Harper)

Garvice (C.), Love the Tyrant, or 8vo • (Hutchinson) Gilman (L.), Edward Macdowell. Cr 8vo (Lane) net Godfrey (Hrs. T.). The Harrying of Gwendoline Jane, or tivo (Hutchinson) Gulson (J. R.), Philosophy of Proof. 8vo (Routledge) net Hamel (14.), Corot and his Work, 4to (MacLehose) net 105/0 Harben (W. N.), Pole Baker: a Novel, cr 8vo (Harper) 6/0 Harwood (W. S.), New Creations in Plant Life. cr 8vo (Macmillan) net 7,6 Henderson (M. S.), After His Kind, Cr 8vo (Duckworth) net 3,6 Henderson (T. F.), Mary Queen of Scots : her Environment and Tragedy, 2 vols. 6v0 (Hutchinson) net 24/0 Herrington (A.), The Chrysanthemum, cr 8vo (K. Paul) net 2/6 Iiirst (P. W.), Monopolies. Trusts, and Kartells, or 8vo (Methuen) net 2/6 Howells (W. D.), Loudon Films, or 8vo (Harper) 10/6 Hunter (C.), In a Country Town. Cr 8vo (E. Stock) 3/6 Ingersoll (E.), An Island in the Air, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0 Inskip J. T.), The Pastoral Idea, or 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0 Keith (L), The Deceiver, Cr 8v0 3/6 King (H. C.), Rational Living; cr 8vo .......... . .... ...............(Macmillan) net 5/0 Kingsley (F. M.), The Resurrection of Cynthia Day (Hodder &Stoughton) 6/0 Klopstock (M.), Manual of Clinical Chemistry, Microscopy, and Bacteri- ology, or 8v0 . .............. .......(Rebmen) net 8/0 Lang A.), The Secret of the Totem, 8vo

Lane (Mrs. 3.), Peterkins, 4to

(Longmans) net 106 (Lane) 313 Lea ( . S.), Essays in Logos and Gnosis, 12mo ...(Orford Univ. Press) net 3;6 Landon (L. A.), Nodal Fever, 8vo (Bailliere) net 5/0 Life and a Love Story (A), by Aunt Janet, Cr 8vo (E. Stock) 3/6 Lindsay (Lady), Godfrey's Quest, 12mo (K. Paul/ net 3/6 Longmuir (P.) Metallurgy, Iron and Steel or 8vo (Longmans) net 5/0

Lucas (A.). The City and the Castle, or 8vo (Nelson) 5/0 rMackay (Hon. E.), Studies in the Sermon on the Mount (Longmans) net 12/0 y (J. J.), Recent Letters from Christ, and other Sermons, cr 8vo (Stockwell) net 2/6 Mackenzie (W. M.), Hugh Miller: a Critical Study. 16mo

(Hodder & Stoughton) net 5/0

Macleod (A. O.). The Shepherdess : a Tale, or 8vo (Stockwell) net 3/0

Ilacnaughtan (S.), A Lame Dog's Diary, cr 8vo (Heinemann)... 6/0 Magnus (K.), A. Book of Verse, 12mo (Routledge) net 2/6 Mantzius (KJ, History of Theatrical Art, Vol. IV., 8vo...(Duckworth) net 1010 Mathematical Questions and Solutions, Vol. VIII., 8vo (Hodgson) 6/6

Maxwell (,n.), The Secretary of State, or 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0

Maxwell (Sir H.), The Story of the Tweed. folio (Nisbet) net 105/0 Mercier (C.), Criminal Responsibility. 8vo (Oxford Univ. Press) 7/6 Mill (H. R.), The Siege of the South Pole, or 8vo ..... --(Alston Rivers) net 7/6 Iffolander (H.), The Fortune Hunter : a Novel, or 81r0 (Heinemann) . 6/0 Noon (H. C.), The Stowaway's Quest, cr 8vo ........................(L Pitman) 5/0

Y L.)ew* (Ske, The New gambler from Desk to Platform (Longmans) net 616

10/6 12/0 316 5,0 3/6 6/0 6/0 6/0 2/6 610 6/0 12,6 2,6 5/0 3/6 6/0 6/0 2/6 6/0 10/6 German Garden," or 8vo (Smith & Elder) 6/0 Ramsden (L.), The Temple of Fire, or 8vo

Rankin (M. C.), Art and Practice of Laundry Work, er 8vo ............ Collins) 3 ......... 2/166

Rawson (M. S.), The Labourer's Comedy, or 8vo (Constable) 6/0 Richards (J. M.), With John Bull and Jonathan, 8vo...(T. W. Laurie) net 16/0 Robertson (J. bi.), Did Shakespeare Write "Titus Andronicus" ? or 8vo (Watts) net 5/0 Robson (J. L.), Haunted by the Ghosts, or 8vo (Si nipkin) 2/5 Roosevelt (T.), Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter (Longmans) net 12/6 St. Iven (W.), When All the World was Young, or 8vo .(Drane) 8)6 Sanderson (T.), Unfulfilled Designs, and other Sermons, or 8vo - (Hodder & Stoughton) 3/6 Seholle (W.), German Reader for Middle Forms, cr 8vo I 2/6

Sergeant (A.), Reparation, or 8vo

(F V. White) 6/0 Sergeant (P. W.), The Burlesque Napoleon, 8vo (T. W. Laurie) net 10/6 Ste man (A.), In God's Garden, imp 8vo (Macmillan) 4/6 (Jack) net 6/0 Stephens (W.), Life of Adeliue Servant, or Boo (Holder &Stoughton) net 6/0 Stuart (R. bf.), Sonny. or 8v o ...... ............ ..........(Hodder & Stoughton) 5/0 Bottling (E. R.). In the Realms of the Ice King, cr 8v0 Pitman) 5/0 Taburno (J.). The Truth about the War, cr 8vo ....... ........... (K. Paul) net 7/6 Tappan (E. M.). In the Days of William the Conqueror, cr 8vo (Hutchinson) 36 Tarde (G.), Underground Mau, or 8vo (Duckworth) net 3/6 Tchaikovsky (N.), Life and Lel ters of Peter Ilich Tehaikovsky (Lane) net 21/0 Ten Years of Tory Government, 1893-1903 (Liberal Publication Dept.) 3/0 Turley (C.), Maitland Major and Minor, cr 8vo. ...... ...... (Heinemann) 5/0 Warden (F.), Cliff's End Farm, cr 8vo.......... ............... ........ (F. V. White) 6/0 Wilson (J. D.), John Lyly, or 8vo (Ilacmillan) net 3/0 Winter (J. S.), Dick the Faithful, or 8vo ............. .............. (F. V. White) 6/0

Wintle (H.), The Cleansing of the "Lords," cr Boo (Lane) 6/0 Wright (1). The EngEsh Delect Grammar, cr 8vo (Oxford Univ. Press) net 16/0 Wynne (C. W.), Poems and Plays, 8vo ............... .................. (K. Paul) net 7/6 Wynne (K.), The King's Tragedy, or 8vo (Digby & Long) 6,0 SUN AND RAIN RESISTING. TAPESTRIES FOR C UR T; INS & TAPESTRIES