4 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 10

A Torkahire Cookery-Book.—A number of recipes for appetizing and also

very economical dishes (there is a variety of war cakes and eggless cakes) have been collected by Miss Milne. Gaskell, chiefly from Yorkshire housewives, and printed in book form, the proceeds from the sale of which are to go to a Fund for providing soldiers' garments both at the front and in hospital. An attractive feature of the collection is a number of items taken from eighteenth-century cookery-books, and there is one recipe " From a Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled about 1390" which will delight the soul of an imaginative housewife, even if she find, it difficult to follow the directions :- " For to Make Frutnra. Take crommvs of wvte bred, and the flowris of the swete Appylt re and zolkys of 14rgye an bray hem togedero in a morter and temper yt up wyth wyte wyn and mak yt to settle end wan yt is thy kke do thereto god spicie of gyngcner, galyngale, canel and clowys gelofre and servo yt forth."

The art of snaking preserves is not forgotten, and there is a useful list of " Household Hints." Copies of the book (price is. fid., or post free le. S)d.) can be obtained from Miss Milnes Ceske% Hon. Secretary Women's l'atriotic Guild, Branch of Queen Marys Needlework Guild, 178 Westgate, Wakefield.