4 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 15

The founders of the School feel very strongly that the

war has made the opening of such a School not less but more urgent, and that it is a matter of Imperial importance that it should be in full working as soon as hostilities have ceased. We are in hearty agreement.. Whether for the work of government or for the development of commerce, a know- ledge of the peculiarities and special characteristics of the peoples of the East, moral, intellectual, and physical, is essentiaL But though. we are far from wishing to neglect the commercial side of the School, we do most sincerely trust that what we may term the humanities side will be its prime care. Lord Wellesley, in his magnificent. Memorandum on the founding of the school at Fort William, which was in fact a College of Oriental Studies for those whose duty it would be to govern our Indian Empire, laid down the principles so well and so wisely that they might be written in letters of gold over the main entrance of the School and over the door of every lecture-room.