4 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 32

A Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Biography, Geography,

and Mythology. Edited by II. B. Walters. (Cambridge University Press. 21s. net.)—This is an astonishingly compact and complete handbook to classical antiquity, embodying the Cambridge Companions to Greek and Latin Studies and a groat deal more, as the title shows. It is very much more discreet, as well as more scholarly, than Lempriere, dear to our fathers and grandfathers ; it contains a great deal more information than Dr. Smith's familiar work which we used to read at schooL Topics such as " Musica," " Panathenrea," " Latinitas," " Vas " are very well handled in a brief space. The illus- trations are excellent. Testing the book by St. Paul's journeys, wo miss Adramyttium and Myra, Derbe and Lystra, Conclunae and Thyatira ; but these are spots on the sun.