4 NOVEMBER 1932, Page 18



[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR:1 is now nine years since Dame Edith Lyttelton pro. posed on behalf of the British Government and the Assembly of the League of Nations agreed to urge all member States to arrange for their children and young people to be instructed in the aims and organization of the League of Nations. In some countries effect could be given to the resolution by a simple administrative decree. In Great' Britain on the other

hand its execution had necessarily to depend upOn the good will of the local anthorities and teacher's. A report published last week by H.M. Stationery Office (Board of Education Educa- tional Pamphlets No. 9; price fid.) shows how loyally and effec- tively the national obligation is being fulfilled. The Report is based upon the systematic enquiries of some three hundred of His Majesty's Inspectors. May I suggest that it deserves the earnest 'attention of every lobal education authority and 1;effeue of Natio.= Union, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, -

:Condon; S.W. 1.'