4 OCTOBER 1834, Page 9

Great excitement prevails in Paris, in consequence of the alleged

unfair dealing by Ministers with the news received by telegraph from Madrid. On Wednesday night, the speculators at Tortoni's Bourse were so loud in their denunciations, that it became necessary for the Police to interfere for the prevention of actual violence. The Minis- terial journals of Thursday give a circumstantial account of the art ival of the news, with the view to prove that it was communicated to the public with the least possible delay ; but the fact is nevertheless un- questionable, that individuals at the Bourse bad obtained and acted extensively on information received prior to the Government announce- meat: a fall of 7 per cent. in the Guebhard Stock was the consequence. This is accounted for, however, without necessarily implicating poor M. Times, the scapegoat on these occasions, in a charge of fraud. The Paris correspondent of the Times states, that "Two couriers came in on Wednesday morning from Madrid, bringing letters dated the evening of the 25th (some of them bore the date of the 26th, on ac- count of their being sent off at midnight), all of which stated the writer's con. viction that the Guebhard Loan would be rejected in the sitting of the 26th. The holders of stock deriving from that loan, to whom the couriers came, natu- rally did their best to get rid of it at any price before the arrival of the news of the actual rejection : and the quantity of stock brought into the market neces- sarily produced the fall, which has been minty attributed, by those who knew nothing of the letters of the 25th, to the effect of partial and unfair use of the telegraphic news."