4 OCTOBER 1851, Page 10

The Arctic expeditions sent out by Government under Captain Austin,

and by the Hudson's Bay Company under Sir John Ross, have returned to English ports on different days of this week; and Commander Pullen yesterday reported himself at the Admiralty, in return from the overland search he has made along the Arctic coast Eastward of the Coppermine River. Sir John Ross's despatches to the Hudson's Bay Company are published today. They are remarkable for showing that this eiperieneed navigator is firmly of opinion that the story of his Esquimaux, Adam Beck, which was sent home last year and which was to the effect that Sir John Franklin's ships were wrecked in Baffin's Bay, off Cape York, is perfectly true. He has considered all the circumstances of apparent discredit to that story, but now firmly believes it ; and he adds, that the Danish Resident and Magistrate at Disco Island also believe it to be trustworthy.