4 OCTOBER 1856, Page 10


16,719,703 Totals £1,114,288 1,185,013' 48,572 £1,689,071 79,524 3,391,232

£3,211,708 Net Increase.

II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter, Half-year, and Year ended September 30, 1856, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals Net Increase Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals QUARTER ENDED September 30,1636: RAM' TEAR ENDED September 10, MM.

Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease.

69,272 350,626 104,031 - 5 869,373 9,000 2,341' 37,587 37,143 -- 309,000 117,926 3,900 752,378 1,941 32,214 68,257 1,183,645 79,325 YEAR ENDED September 39, 1856.



250,835 473,608 89,527 2,275,126 59,058 8,341 184,711

I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended September 30, 1856, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

QUARTERS ENDED Slit Dec. 31at March 110thJnne 130th Sept.

1846. 16158. 1856. 1856.

I • .4

5,707,101 5,540,192 5,864,724 5,981,344 4404,000 2,806,775 5,005,000 0,440,000 1,749,769 1,801,540 1,858,085 1,770,649 1,801 000 249,000 1,343,026 157,000 1,335,273 8,880.971 2,376,761 5,347,236 667,000 760,152 716,000 645,000 85,000 37,000 64,000 67,857 345,317 200,602 6410,410 136,343 15,824,560 18,401,075 17,548,003. 19,571 429 QUARTERS ENDED Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous 31st Dec. 81s5 March 30th June 1854. 1855. 1855. 30th Sept.


Custom, Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous £ 6,016442 5,040,406 -5,768,309 4,722,707 2,765,089 4,763,374 1,678,510 1,85--,364 1,871,978 1E15,936 241,1512 1,346,031 879,017 6,931,374 2,239,756

631,094 887,000. 7525,000

60,000 66,000 63;000 178,177 348,361 . 325,772 6,018,487 5,137300 1,652,723 154,000 4,594,858 645,000 4,6,516 188,557

16,836,295 17,122,220- 18,457,141

Year ended 30th Sept.

1856. Year ended 30th Sept.


Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands miwwwsneous Totals 23,093,301 17,861;778 7,160,041 3,100,026 15,940,331 2,765,152 283,857 1,120,561 .

71,348.067 22,042,443 17,388,170 7,259,563 3,060,499 13,665,205 2,709,094 275,516 935,867 68,136,359 Totals

III. An Account showing the Net Revenue and other Receipts of the Quar- ter ended September 30, 1856; the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.

Surplus balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended June 30, 1856, vit.- Great Britain Ireland E332,581 -- Income received in the Quarter ended September 30, 1856,as shown in Account 1 Amount received In the Quarter ended September 30, 1856, in full of Second Lean of 5,000,0001. Amount received in the Quarter ended September. 10, 1856, in repayment of Ad- vances for Public Worksofic 339,581 19,571,429 2,500,000 441,751 - 22,852,761 Balance, being the Deficiency on the 30th September 1856, upon the Charge of the Consolidated Fund In Great Britain, to meet the Dividends and other Charges payable In the Quarter to December 31, 1856, and for which Ex- chequer Bills (Deficiency) will be issued in that Quarter 600,333 23,353,097

Amount applied out of the Income for the Quarter ended September 30, 1858, to redemption of Exchequer Bills (Pendency) for the Quarter ended June 25, 1856 3,581,615 Amount applied out of the Income to Supply Services, in the Quarter ended September 30, 1856 11329,963 Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended September 30, 1856, viz,-

Interest of the amocat Debt • £5,550,977 Terminable Debt 1,430,064 Interest of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) 5,544 The Civil List 100,152 Other Charge& on Consolidated Pond .............. 319,424 Advances for Public Works, de 332,450 Sardinian Loan 600,000

. 8,258,611 Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended September 30, 1058, Ms.-

Great Britain Ireland 279,876 279,878 £23,393,007