4 OCTOBER 1873, Page 16


THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,— Until to-day I have been unable to see the note appended by you to my letter of last week.

Your courtesy will, I am sure, find room for these few words in your next number.

The distinction drawn by F. Guiron in his correspondence with Dr. Nicholson between "Deans facere " and "Dei facere " was this :—

The former is "to make a God" of a thing or person, which, if I can understand him, Dr. Nicholson understands by the word deify,"—how, being Christian, I do not know. Bat aliquid Del fae,ere," F. Guiron rightly explains, is to make anything, of or belonging to God,—" proprium Dei." " Quando Sancti Patres docent humanam naturam in Christcs deificatam ease, imprimis illud expressum volunt, quod human& natura facia est' natura Dei Verbi, ut Deus sit homo." Such is Catholic doctrine, as you will see in " Franzelin, De Verb°. Incarnate," sect. iii., cap. v., p. 319.

The Humanity became "Caro Dei," "facts eat humanitas and was therefore Deified.

This sense F. Guiron asserts throughout, and never for a moment either changed or withdrew.—I am, Sir, &c.,

± HENRY EDWARD, Archbishop of Westminster.

Downside, October 1.