4 OCTOBER 1913, Page 31


[To THE EDITOR O■ THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of September 20th, under the above heading, you write, "In San Domingo the United States assumed control of the eustoms and administered the Treasury. Much the same thing was done in Honduras." May I, who for over twenty years have been interested in Honduras, inform you that the last sentence is quite inaccurate, as inquiry at the offices of the Council of Foreign Bondholders will show? The United States of America do not control the customs or administer the Treasury or any depart. ment in Hondura. What probably misled you was the fact that Mr. Knox, the late Secretary of State, did submit to the Senate a treaty with Honduras, drafted somewhat on the lines you suggest. The Senate, owing almost entirely to the oppo- sition of the Democrats to Mr. Knox's "Dollar Diplomacy," did not approve the treaty. These facts in no way affect the trend of your article: they only correct an inaccuracy.—I am,

Sir, &c., W. RADCLIFFE. Beech Court, Upper Deal, Kent.