4 OCTOBER 1935, Page 16


Back to the Land A pamphlet, very well argued and carefully documented, has been published by the Agricultural Economic Research Institute of Oxford University. It is in essence, though the point is not directly made, Mr. Orwin's answer to Mr. Lloyd George's land schemes. The pamphlet has the old historic attrac- tive title, Back to the Land. It is published by King and Sons at Is. The politics of the question may be left to the politicians ; but there is much to be said by the least political members of the community on the return to the land. Mr. Orwin and his colleague Mr. Darke are at pains to point the lesson of the statistics, that the small small-holding has declined in spite of artificial stimulus and that no back to the land movement is or can be even a palliative to industrial unemployment. One must not say with one critic that " statistics always lie " or " can prove anything," but there are certainly some things 'which escape the filter of the statistician, and yet may be of essential importance.