4 OCTOBER 1935, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] - Sla,—I agree with Mr. Herbert Read inlainenting the I egag neglect of Kierkegaard in this country, but hardly think . • he is correct in. saying that such interest in him as there' is is confined to Catholics.. I believe that the first English theologian to draw attention to him was the late P. T. Forsyth, and very feiv of his pupils can haVe been altogether ignorant of the man and his work. Even in Oxford; if Kierkegaird has not been studied he has not been, altogether overlooked. His work has more than once been the subject, of a thesis for a -theological degree,' and I remember one enthusiast who learned Danish for this purpose) and lie was an Evangelical AngliCan. "I join in "Mr. Recurs WeleoMe to Dr. Allen's book and share hiS hope that the traffic down this stream may soon increase,-=I am; yours, &c.,