4 OCTOBER 1957, Page 22


SIR,—Having read Julia Strachey's review of All That Fall, by Samuel Beckett, may I please speak for at least 'One Who Doesn't' :

I thought I saw Significance Of Sophoclean stamp; I looked again and found it was A decomposing tramp : 'How odd,' I thought, 'if this should be An intellectual ramp!' ,

I thought I read a monologue

By Freud (or else by Jung); - I read again, and found it was On 'enigmatic dung' : Oh Attic shape! Fair attitude! When all the world was young!

Oh seek, you 'modern sons of Greece,' Sweetness and light, no less! Don't see life whole, like Sophocles; Bonjour, bonjour, tristesse! Let's find a lovely lump of filth And wallow in the mess!

—Yours faithfully,