4 OCTOBER 1969, Page 24

Ulster: clear verdict

Sir: How nice to be right—or is it? No sooner has your correspondent Martin Wallace (20 September) put forward the likelihood that the average Unionist's reaction to the Cameron report is likely to be that the Roman Catholics are already well enough off and will outbreed the Protestants if they are treated better, than up pops Lord Hamilton, Ulster Unionist MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone, with a letter to the Times (19 September) and says there is a very real and genuine fear of being outbred.

Lord Hamilton concludes that the breed- ing tendency among the minority, naughty

present majority by converting fellows, may enable • them to outvote thrt the presen minority to a majority. Oh! horror o horrors—and how undemocratic!

I have long felt that a prime function o the politician is to entertain the public. Th

promised spectacle of the good people o Ulster engaging in the non-violent a presumably constitutional activity of corn petitive breeding affords us one mor glimpse of the quaintness of Ulster's pot tics. One can imagine the subtle politica slogans—Wake your union meaningful' `Blue for a boy, Orange for a vote'.

But possibly my former brother-office

Lord Hamilton is not above giving th public's leg a tiny pull. After all, with h. majority of 14,707 at the last election, th opposition citizens of Fermanagh an South Tyrone haven't a moment to lose they are to justify Lord Hamilton's rea and genuine fear-!

M. G. P. Stow-to The Old Rectory, Great Rollright, Oxon.