4 OCTOBER 1975, Page 4

Another Grierson?

From the Rt Hon. Lord George-Brown Sir: Turning this week — as is my habit — to your 'Economics and the City' page, my attention was unusually attracted to the second piece headed 'Mixed Economy — A Flight from Reality' by Ronald Grierson. Despite the additional words, because of the name of the author it seemed compulsory reading and, for the only time in our lengthy acquaintanceship, I am afraid Nicky Davenport took second place.

But, as I read Mr Grierson's piece, I became ever more perplexed. The only Ronald Grierson I recalled was the one I appointed in 1966 to be the Second Priest to the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation — the High Temple of the Mixed Economy. (To be absolutely accurate, I not so much appointed him as acquiesced in his forceful recommendation of his qualities and beliefs as enabling him to advance the idea of a Mixed Economy.) It was therefore with great relief that I finally noted at the end of the article, from your footnote outlining your contributor's past achievements, that there was no reference to his having been the first Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of the IRC.

1 shouldn't have worried of course. I knew that Ronnie could not have penned this piece — verily "a flight from reality." George-Brown House of Lords, London SW1