4 OCTOBER 1997, Page 32

Valuable diversity

Sir: I was somewhat saddened to read Cristina Odone's unbalanced observations of Holy Trinity Brompton CA contagious case of HTB', 20 September). During my first year as Bishop, I have visited Holy Trinity on several occasions and have first- hand experience of this parish church and its ministry.

The Church of England seeks to affirm people from many different traditions while maintaining the orthodoxy of the Christian faith. Holy Trinity Brompton, while teach- ing the orthodox Christian faith, does so with an enthusiastic and vibrant form of worship which might not be to everyone's liking. To call Holy Trinity 'exclusive' is fac- tually wrong. My experience has been that it attracts well over 2,000 worshippers on an average Sunday, from all kinds of social and cultural backgrounds. It also has a large outreach through its Alpha courses that are used in very diverse parishes and churches throughout the world. Close to home, Holy Trinity is working with drug addicts and prisoners (some of whom are not in Debrett's!) regardless of class, colour


or creed. Given that background, Holy Trinity is an inclusive church attracting a wide variety of people.

Within what I believe to be the valuable diversity of the Church of England, I appre- ciate the contribution made by this particu- lar church and parish in my Episcopal Area.

fMichael Kensington

19 Campden Hill Square, London W8