4 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 10



On the 26th nit, atDover, the lady of the Hon. CsAttz.Es EwAN LAW, of atom On the 26th ult. at Hrecknock Crescent, Camden Town, the wife of Dr. FRANCIS CAMPBELL of a son. In a village in the neighbourhood of Venice, a woman was lately delivered of six living boys. Four of them died at the end of a fortnight, but the two others survive, and are likely to do well.


On the 27th ult. at Montville, Guernsey, by the Rev. Haviland Durand, DE Vic CAREY, Esq. to FRANCES HENK2Erre, daughter er Thomas Priaulx, Esq.

On the 17th ult. at Logic Elphinstone, PATRICE BOYLE, Esq. eldest son of the Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice Clerk, to Miss MARS FRANCES DALRYMPLE, second daughter of Sir Robert D. Horn Elphinstone, Bart. of Horn and Logie Elphinstone. On the 19th August, at Howth Church, Ireland, Ilona DAVIDSON, Esq. eldest son of the late Sir David Davidson °Mau tray, Inverness-shire, to MARIA, third daughter of Colonel Grogan, Seafield, county of Dublin.

On the 28th ult. at Stonehouse Chapel, Devon, Assistant Commissary General Jonu LINDSAY, IO MARIA LUCAS, second daughter of the late John Laing, Esq. Of the island of Dominica.

At St. George's, Hanover Square, FRANCIS BATLEY, Esq. youngest son of the Honourable Mr. Justice Bayley, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of Alexander Mac- donald, Esq. of Great George Street, Westminster. At Valparaiso, JOHN STYLES, Esq. to HARRIET, second daughter of M. Hogan, Esq. Consul-General for the United States of North America. At Grantham, THOMAS 0. Po WLES, Esq. of Stamford Hill, to EMMA SHEPPARD, daughter of Thomas Bland, Esq of Grantham, M.D.

At Teignmouth, MATHER. I;V..ES, Esq. IO ELIZA HELEN MARGARET WIGHT, only daughter of Capt. Wight, R.N. and grand-daughter of the late Adm. Schenk.

On the 31st ult. at Hornsey, GEORGE ROBERT HYDE, Esq. M.D. of Newtown Barry, Wexford, to MARIA FRANCES CHARLOTTE, second daughter of the late Ad- miral Sutton, of Screveton Hall, Notts. On the 30th ult. at Wortley Hall, Yorkshire, the Honourable JOHN CHETWYND TALBOT, third son of Earl Talbot, to the Honourable CAROLINE JANE STUART WORTLEY, daughter of Lord Wharncliffe. DEATHS.

On the 13th ult. at Gilston Park, Herts, JULIA, the eldest ; and on the following day, CATHERINE, the second dauehter of R. Palmer Ward, Esq. The affection between the sisters was such that it is thought the latter, who had never ceased watching over her sister till she died, was then so overcome by the blow, that nature gave way, and her heart broke.

On the 27th ult. at her house, 56, Wimpole Street, Lady ROBINSON, the wife of the Right Honourable Sir Christopher Robinson, in her 54111 year. On the 26th ult. at Nottingham Place, Marylebone, ISABELLA. ROBERTSON, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Alexander Stewart, of Canongate, Edin- burgh, in her 19th year. On the 27th ult, at his residence in Bognor, Lieutenant-Colonel TYNDALE, late of his Majesty's 1st Regiment of Life Guards, and of North Cerney, Gloucester- shire.

On the 1st inst. at Brighton, Jonm HAVERFIELD, of Kew, in the county o Surry, Esq. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for that county, late Lieue tenant-Colonel in the Army, and Assistant Quarter-Master-General to the Forces. In his 50th year. On the 29th ult. Thomas SHAEESPEAR, Esq. of Fillongby, Warwickshire, in his 61st year.