4 SEPTEMBER 1841, Page 11


Arrived—At Gravesend, Aug. 31st, Onyx, Brown, from Ceylon ; Sept. lst, Henry Tanner, Bissett, amp Bengal. At Deal, 3d, Charlotte, —, from Mauridus. Off Torbay, 31st, Delhi, Byron, from Singapore. Off Plymouth, 241, Birman, Cleland, from Bengal. At Liverpocl, 1st, Ciceley, APLeod, from New South Wales; 2d. flop - kiasou, Stephens, from Bengal ; W. Gillies, Clarke; and Champion, —, from Bom- bay. In the Clyde, 27th, Carnatic, Cunningham. from ditto. At St. Helena, Pre- mier, Were, from China ; and Rothschild. Luckctt, hem Bombay. At the Cape, pre- vious to 30th June, J. Mathew, Roberts; Panope, Candler ; Tyrian, Clarkson ; Senator, Kerr; and Richmond, Ferber, from London ; and Lord Lowther, Patterson, from Bengal. At New South Wales, previous to 23.1 April. Lunar, —, from Newcastle; Champion, Spencer; and Thistle, Wishart, from London; James, White ; I. Matthie- son, Branscombe ; South Stockton, Corkan ; and Mary Aun, Edie, from Liverpool ; aud Earl Durham, Cable, from Dundee.

Sailed—From Gravesend, Aug. 30th, Vanguard, Garwood, for Bengal ; 31st, Indian, English, for Ditto; Sept. 1st, True Briton, Consett, for Madras; and 2d, Token, Chal- mers, for Bombay. From Liverpool, Aug. 30th, Parsee, Chevars, for Bengal.