4 SEPTEMBER 1841, Page 11



The transactions in the English Stock-market have not been extensive : the improvement in the Foreign Exchanges on Tuesday gave an impulse to the market, but it has not been sustained; and several large sales for Money having been made, the price has fallen about 1 per cent. from the highest recent prices, and continues heavy this morning. Exchequer Bills are heavy, and are quoted at 14s. to 16s. premium ; while Bank Stock has improved about 1 per cent., being yesterday quoted ilt 1701. India Stock is also at a trifling advance, being quoted at 2474. The intelligence brought by the Indian mail has pro- duced a decline in the price of tea of more than fourpence a pound; Company's Congova having been sold today at ls. 11d The following notice was yesterday issued from the Bank of England- ." The Governor and Company of the Bank of England are ready until further notice to receive applications for loans, upon the deposit of approved Bills of Exchange not having more than six months to run, Exchequer Bills, and East India Bonds; such loans to be repaid on or before the 21st October next, with interest at the rate of 51. per cent. per annum, and to be for sums of not less than 2,0001. each.

" Bank of England, 2d September 1841."

It was expected that the rate of interest would have been reduced to 4 or 41 per cent., and the Money- _narket became rather more buoyant in conse- quence of such expectation ; but this morning a decline has occurred ; the sales for money which had produced the previous depression continuing, and money being in demand, notwithstanding the Bank notice. There is a general ex- pectation that the Bank Directors will increase the amount of their circula- tion, as the present state of the Exchanges forbids any exportation of bullion at present, and large amounts have been insured at Lloyd's from various parts of South America; among others, insurances have been effected to the extent of 1,000,000 dollars by the Orestes, from the Pacific. The books of the various Stocks, the dividends upon which become due in October, have closed daring the week, with the exception of those of the Three-and-a-half per Cents. 1818, which will do so on the 7th instant : we subjoin a list of the days upon which they will reopen—

Bank Stock. October 15th.

Three per Cent. Reduced „ 21st. Three-aud-a.half per Cent. Reduced „ 22d. Three-aud-a.lialf per Cent. 1818 „ 19th. Long Annuities „ 2011. Annuities for Terms of Years „ 19th.1 Old South Sea Annuities 15th.I

The operations in the Foreign Marko. have been almost entirely confined to the Non-Dividend Stocks ; which have been much in demand, and in which the spirit of speculation that appeared quite extinct has been to some extent re- vived, Spanish Active being as usual the favourite object. The price has risen from 201 to 224, at which quotation the Stock stood at the ;lose of business yesterday ; but so great was the anxiety of the jobbers and dealers to purchase Stock, that in the coffeehouses in the neighbourhood of the Exchange the Stock was done as high as 23. A reaction has occurred this :lora- ing, and after being at 221, the prices has improved to 221, closing at 224. The causes for this rise are to be sought in the im- provement of 2 per cent. in the price of the Local Stock at Madrid, and the gencrally.improved condition of Spanish finance, instanced by the arrangements in progress for the payment of the arrears of interest upon the Indemnity Bonds. Spanish Stock has always been a favourite with our speculators, and there are at present indications of one of those improvements by which it has been so fre- quently characterized, and which, like the character of the Spanish people, baffie all calculation. Colombian Bonds have risen, and been as high as 211 ; but have since receded, and arc today 211 1. Mexican have also been as high as 20, but are today 26. The other Foreign Stocks have been steady at our last prices, with but little doing. The demand fo. the Railway Shares has also slackened, and the current varieties are from 10s. to 11. lower than last week—Brighton being 31 dis- count ; Black wall, I 1 I. to 121. per Share, without the privilege of the new Shares, being equal to 14 to 13 discount ; New Blackwell Shares, 31 * premium.


The English Stock-market is in a quiescent state this morning, and at pre- sentrices are all much the same as the closing quotations of yesterday—Con- sols fopr Money, 891 1, ditto for Account, 89; 90. New Three-and-a-half per Cents., 98* I. Exchequer Bills, 14s. to 16s. In the Foreign house, Spanish Stock has been heavy, having undergone a further depression. The price from Paris was the same as that received yesterday: they opened here at 22, which is I lower, but may now be quoted rather better, at 224 1. Dutch Two- and-a half per Cents., 51* 2; Portuguese, 34 1 ; Russian, Ill 112; Co- lombian, 21 1.


Since our last report the English Funds have remained quite stationary, with the exception of Exchequer Bills, which may be quoted Is. lower, the price being 13s. to 15s. Consols for Money, 891; ditto Account, 891 90. The heavy rain which has fallen during the day appears to have had no ill effect on the markets. In Foreign Stocks very little business has been transacted, and prices generally are without alteration : Spanish. however, is firmer, having advanced to 24 ; Portuguese, soi 1 ; Colombian, 21 1.

3 per Ceut. Consols .. 891 f Columbian 6 per Cents 21 1 Ditto for Account

891 90

Danish 3 per Cents 79 80 3 per Cent. Reduced shut Dutch 2* per Cents . 5 lt 2

at per Cent. Ditto


Mexican 5 per Cents. Coned.

251 6 New 38 per Cents 98* Portuguese Regency ti per Cts. 30/ 1 Bank Stock shut

Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1941.. 26 *

Exchequer Bills . 13 15pm Ditto 3 per Cents


India Stock 246} 7+ Russian 5 per Cents..... ... 111 112 Brazilian 5 per Ceuta Belgian 5 per Cents

66 7

102 3 Spanish (Active)

224 *