4 SEPTEMBER 1847, Page 11

The King of Prussia has just elevated M. de Bodelschwing,

Minister of the In- terior, and Royal Commissioner in the Diet, to the dignity of High Chancellor of the Kingdom, which has been vacant since the death of the Prince de Harden.

berg. It is said that Count d'Arnim is about to enter the Cabinet; but it is ni t yet known what department will be confided to him.

Sardinia, which has protested against the occupation of Ferrara by the Austri- ans, has now a population of 5,650,868 persons, and an army, for a time of war, of 100,000 men. Her navy consists of twenty-eight vessels, five of which are 60-gun frigates.

The Journal des Laois announces the death of M. Bordes, a member of the Convention, at Bimont, (Arriege,) on the 13th August, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He did not sit in the Convention until after the execution of Robespierre, when he replaced De Vadier.