4 SEPTEMBER 1847, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Ciosing Prices.)

&turd. Vonslay. hassisnr. Widnes



3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 87} 87 87




871 87 6.8

tat es

3 per Cents Reduced 1} per Cents 87 894 87 89 :74




88 est

Long Annuities


--- 9 9 Bank Stock, 7 per Cent — 197

98 197



India Stock, 108

— — Is. 1

Exchequer Bills, 3d. per diem India Benda, 48 per Cent 5 pm.


8 2

3 a




(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct.

Massachusetts (Sterling). • .5 p. M.

Austrian 5 — — Mexican ...... ..5 —


Ditto — 92} Michigan 6

Belgian 4 — Mississippi (Sterling) 6

Brazilian 6 - 81

Neapolitan S —

Buenos Ayres 6 — 368 New York (1858) ..... ,...6 —


Chilian 6 - 91 Ohio

Danish a - 84i

Pennsylvania 5

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) .. • 21 - Ditto 4 -


1PDPoeitrirutouguvianen 6 —

a -

81 French 3 -


25 Ditto 5 - DX Me Russian . 6 108 Indiana (Sterling) 5 — Illinois 6


8Dpiattonis.h... ..................3-

. ...... 3 — - 201 391 Kentucky — Ditto (Passive) 41

Louisiana (Sterling) a -

— Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) s -

— Venezuela Active


411 (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


BAN As—.

Edinburgh and Glasgow 61 Australasian

Eastern Counties 188 British North American

Great Northern


Great North of England ..... 231 Commercial of London

Great Western 1081 ex d London and Westminster 411 Hull and Selby loll London Joint Stock 16/ Lancaster and Carlisle . 59 National of Ireland .....

London Brighton and South Coast 498 National Provincial ...


London and Blackwell 6 Provincial of Ireland 191 London and North-western 1671 Union of Australia

Manchester and Leeds .....

Union of London 13} Midland . ............ 1198


Newcastle and Berwick

3 4 ex d


North British 30 ex d Brazilian Imperial

Northern and Eastern 52 Ditto (St. John Del Rey)

South-eastern and Dover 341 Cobre Copper .. ...........

South-western 611

lifiecsms g roes—

York and Newcastle

Australian Agricultural ..

York and North Midland 761 Canada


General Steam s38 East and West India . 126 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 57 London 103 Royal Mail Steam

St. Katherine 84 South Australian

Notes issued £22,565,900 Government Debt .... £11,015,100

Other Securities 2.94 900

Gold Coin and Bullion 7,306,399

Silver Bullion 1,059.501




Proprietors' Capital £14,563,000 Government Securities, (In-

Rest 3,6144,203 eluding DeadWeightAnnulty) C11.711.340 Public Depoeits• 7,193,740 i , Other Securities • Other Deposita 7,105.701 Notes 4,330,045

Seven Day and other Bills ....

789,710 Gold and Silver Coin 573,782 £33,326.334 £33.326,334

• Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt & Dividend Accts

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold O'Hara, Standard .. £3 17 9 Foreign Goldin Coln,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0

New Dollars 0 4 108

Silver in Bars, Standard .. . . .. 0 4 111 METALS. Per ton.

Copper, British Cakes 498 0 0 .. 0 0 0

Iron, British Bars .... 9 10 C .. 9 15 0

Lead, British Pig .... 18 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Steel, English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, September 3.

Wheat,R. Sew 464450 Rye 40 te42 Maple 44 to46 Oats. Feed 22 to 23 Fine 50-51 Barley 26 —28 White 46 —48 Fine. 23 —24 Old 46-50

Malting.. • 36 —38

Boilers.... 48-50 Poland . 27 —28 White 52-51 Malt, Ord— .. 62 —65 Beans,Ticks. 44 —46 Fine. 29 —30 Fine 54-56 Fine - .... 65-70 Old . 48 —50 Potato .. —33 Super. New 56-60 Peas, Hog ... 42 —44 Harrow... 52 —51 Fine . —31 AVERAGE PR GEN OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 69s. ild. Rye 413s. M. Wheat Os. Od. I Rye Barley .. .. 42 0 Beans .... .. 63 6 Barley 0 0 Beans Oats .. .... 29 7 Peas 45 0 Oats 0 0 ) Pen Weekly Averages for he Week ending August 28. Wheat, 60s. 4d.—Barley,37s. 9d.—Oats, 27s. 4/1.-11.ye, 54s. 7d.—licans,53s.341.—Peu,39s.11d.


York Reds per ton. Os. to 0s, Scotch Reds 0 — 0

Devons 0 — 0 Kent and Essex Whites 0 — 0 HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


70r. to 77s 6 W. to 75E. 01. TO 411.

43 65 0 — 0 0 — 0 45 — 70 45 — 63 ... 46 — 78 90 — 98 80 — 100 81 — Its 32 — 34 27 — 33 .... ...... 24 — 33 PROVISIONS.

Butter—BestFresh, 14s. Od. per dos. Carlow, 41. 12s. to 41. I5s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 80. — Ms. Cheese, Cheshire ........ . 64 — 76

Derby Plain 64

— 70 Hams, York . 60 — 80 Eggs, French, per 120, 51. 64. to Os. 64.


27/WOLTZ AND LILDENNALL.• a. a. a. 4. s. d.

Beef .. 3 4 to 4 0 to 4 4 ..

Mutton 4 0— 4 8— 5 0 Veal .. 3 8— 4 4— 4 10 Pork .. 4 0— 5 0— 5 8 Lamb. 5 0 — 5 8 — 6 0 SMITHFIELD.'

s. d. s. d. s. 4.

3 6 to 4 0 to 4 8 4 6 — 4 10 — 5 6 4 2 4 6— 5 2 4 0 4 6— 5 4 1 10 6 4 — 0 0



Friday. Monday. Beasts. 941 ..... 4.132 Sheep. 10,500 28,730 Calves. 380 328 Pigs 220 210 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.


Tea, Rohe*, fine, ....per lb Os. 24. to Os. 4d. Congou, One I 5 — 2 0 ttouchong, fine 1 3 — 2 4 • In Bond—Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 80s. to 1301. 64. Good Ordinary ...... 42.. to 48s, Sugar, Muscovado, per eel . 26s. Did.

West India Molasses ....14e. ed. to 18s. ed.


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and Oth Victoria, esp. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 28th day of August 1847. ISSUE DEPARTIKENT•

Os, Opt.

O 0 O 0 HOPS.

Kent Pockets 705. to 80s.

Choice ditto 95 112 Sussex Pockets 65 — 72 Pine ditto 0 — 0 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 47s. to 501. Seconds 42 — 45 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 38 — 41

Norfolk and Stockton 33 — 36

Bran per quarter 0 — 0 Pollard, fine.. ... ..... ... 0 — 0 Bread, 684. to ed. the 41b. loaf.

OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. Li lils 04. Refined 1 18 0 Linseed Oil 1 7 0 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0 Candles, per dozen, 54 Od. to 6s. Od.

Moulds (64. per dos cllsooant) Ts. Od.

Coals, Hetton 21s. Od.

Tees 204. ad.