4 SEPTEMBER 1875, Page 1

According to the very latest intelligence—a telegram from Vienna to

the Standard, dated the 2nd inst.—the three Eastern Powers have informed the Princes both of Servia and Monte- negro that if they attempt to wage war against Turkey their territories will be occupied by Austrian troops. This policy, if correctly reported, is a decided one, and can only have been adopted after a decision to press the autonomy of Bosnia upon the Porte. The threat does not suppress, but only stifles the insurrection, leaving it to flame out again on the first day that Austria has her hands occupied. The statesmen of Vienna, who have to reckon with a great Slav population, are not likely to have placed themselves in a position of permanent antagonism to the Rayahs, or to have bound themselves to guard Turkish provinces for all time to come, and we may rely on it they have arranged for the concession of the only " reform" which can secure a tolerably lasting peace.