4 SEPTEMBER 1886, Page 2

After a violent speech from Mr. W. Redmond, Sir W.

Har- court made a fierce attack on the Orangemen, as "the curse of Ireland," in the course of which, as we have said, he was called upon thrice by the Speaker to confine himself more closely to the question before the House. He further accused Lord Randolph Churchill of going to Belfast on purpose to inflame the passions of these Orangemen. In the end, Mr. Sexton's amendment was rejected by a majority of 97 (225 against 128), without eliciting any speech from Lord Randolph Churchill. Then the Address was agreed to without a division ; but on the Report being brought up, Mr. Parnell moved that the Report be taken at the next sitting of the House, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer having protested against the waste of time, Mr. Labonohere at once suggested that it would be well to have the opportunity of engrafting on the Report some condemnation of Lord Randolph's Ulster speeches. Mr. Parnell's motion was defeated by a majority of 107 (228 to 121); but after the Speaker had given an account of an unseemly interchange of abuse between Dr. Tanner and Captain Colomls, and the apology of both these Members had been accepted, Mr. Stuart moved the adjournment, which was defeated by a majority of 103 (223 to 120). Then, on the intervention of Mr. Dillwyn, who urged that to take the Report immediately after the Address had been voted, against the wish of a large minority was very unusual, the Government gave way, and the adjourn- ment was agreed to.