5 APRIL 1845, Page 11


A strange meteor was seen on Saturday night, at 1111. 50m. London mean time, (in important matters it is good to be particular,) near the star Alpha in Canis Venatica. Seen by the naked eye, the meteor resembled a star of the fourth magnitude, of a distinct yellow or orange hue: with the aid of a telescope, it was discovered to mask t of four small stars with -a nebula in the centre. It disappeared in about two minutes after-Wiese first noticed, leaving a faint blue spot. Astrologers are divided iitt)141e-

opinions of what this portent forebodes. To some, the position tgnins' Venatica suggests a connexion with Mr. Grantley Berkeley's hornlike against poaching: this class hold that the four small stars represent the four brothers in the House of Commons, and the nebula in the middle the grand measure for the suppression of poaching. In support of this view, they argue that the blue mark left by the meteor on disappearing can mean nothing if not the blue eyes, the natural results of Mr. Grantley Berkeley's favourite " punching " operation. Other stellar sages maintain that the apparition prognosticates the fate of Mr. Vulliamy's attack upon the Jona- than Wilds of dog-stealing and their gangs. The professional gentlemen who adopt this interpretation, connect the small stars with the noblemen and gentlemen who back Mr. Vulliamy in his action, and interpret the blue mark by referring to the agency of the Police. According to both parties, however, the meteor imports, that some matter or another in which dogs are concerned is at this moment creating as great a combustion among the skiey influences as on earth; and its speedy disappearance forbids the luckless dogs to hope that the interest they have excited can be lasting.