5 APRIL 1845, Page 20


Tuesday, April 1.


Foweraker and Baker, Exeter, stationers—Ingleby and Briddon, Liverpool, cotton- brokers—Linton and Dromgole, Barbicah, window-glass-dealers--Empson and Hol- man, Crediton, surgeons—Abraham and Dancer, Manchester, opticians—C. and A. B. Bicknell, Maidstone, schoolmistresses—Churchus and Copp, Yatton, Somersetshice, carpenters—Cooper and Co. Dronfield, Derbyshire, coalowners—WIllmore and Co. Birmingham, silversmiths ; as far as regards J. Wilimore—Caparn and Parker, Horn- castle, Lincolnshire, chemists—Barrow and Turner, East Street, Manchester Square, engineers ; as far as regards J. Barrow—Cumberland and Gwyn, London, shipowners —Marples and Hibbert, Sheffield, carvers—Bacon and Smith, Great Yarmouth, black-

smiths. asniunirrs.

BRECKELS, Joue, North Street, Finsbury Market, bedstead-maker, to surrender April 8, May 13: solicitor, Mr. Taylor, Finsbury Circus; ofcial assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. CANN, ROBERT, Woolwich, bootmaker, April 9, May 9 : solicitor, Mr. Biggendeu, Visnusex; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chamber,. HICK, Joins ATKINSON, Leeds, carver, April 14, May 2: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Co., New BosIvell Court ; Messrs. 'foretell and Harrison, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. LA00E, WILLIAM HARRINGTON, Atherstone, victualler, April II, May 9: solicitors, Messrs. Harrison and Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Nonni, JOSEPH, Birstal, blanket-manufacturer, April 15, May 3: solicitors, Mr. Chadwick, Dewsbury ; Mr. Bond, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. RADCLIFFE, Arcutrrns, senior and junior, Hermitage Place, St. John's Street Road, glaziers' diamond-manufacturers, April 9, May 9: solicitors, Messrs. M'Leod and Sten- ulna, London Street, Fenehurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street. REAR', JOHN senior, and JOHN RoBERT, Mark Lane, wine-merchants, April 14, May 30: solicitors, Messrs. Trehern and White, Bucklersbury.

SCHAFFER, Jona, Clark's Place, High Street, Islington, flIngeman, April 9, May 14 : solicitor, Humphreys, Newgate Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street. WerrTAKER, Jona, Swansea, druggist, April 8, May 9; solicitor, Mr. David, Swan- Sea ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.

WILLIAMS, THOMAS HOLYLAND, Chelmsford, wine-merchant, April 15, May 13 : soli- citor, Mr. Shlrreff, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. DIVIDENDS.

April 24, Sherwood, Tilehurst, brickmaker—April 22, Muller, Addle Street, furrier— April 22, Pearce, Bermondsey Street, tripeman—April 22, Bellenger, Great Pulteney Street, victualler—April 23, Cornish, Great Marlborough Street, wine-merchant—April 22, Bundey, Upper York Place, Portland Town, builder—April 23, E. and A. Rule, Leadenhall Street, shipowners—April 22, Thompson, Liverpool, merchant—April 22, J. and E. Herdman, Congleton, millers—April 22, Swalnson and Gardner, Liverpool, grocers—April 22, Donnelly, Liverpool, merchant—April 23, Cross, Chester, lead- merchant—April 25, Whitlow, Manchester, lemma.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting,

April 23, Sedgwlck, Hythe, Rent, scrivener—April 22, Lewis, Bath, Innkeeper—April 22, Fothergill and M'Innes, Bell's Close, near Scotswood, Northumberland, lamp-black- manufacturers—April 22, Atkinson, Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, banker—April 23, Booth, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturer—April 24, Bart[, Liver- pool, merchant—April 22, Howell junior, Liverpool, bookseller—April 23, Griffiths junior, Wern, wine-merchant—April 24, Holman, Exeter, victualler—April 24, Broad- bent, Denton, Lancashire, hour-dealer.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 22. 'I'ydeman, Chelmsford, timber-merchant- -Jackson junior, Hertford, upholsterer— Schott and Lavater, Manchester, merchants—Foothead, Fore Street, milliner.


Drewe, Keynsham, scrivener ; first and final div. of 2s. 9d. April 7, or any subse- quent Monday ; Mr. Acraman, Bristol—Ring, Bath, druggist ; first div. of Is. 9d. April 7, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Acranmn, Bristol—Hilton, Croston, Lancashire, surgeon ; first div. of 4s. 3d. April 10, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool—Tomkinson Kidderminster, linendraper ; first div. of 4a. any Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham—Benson, Gray's Inn Lane, stationer ; first div. of 38. 3d. any Wedoesda ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street--Garnett, Tooley Street, hatter ; first div. of la. 4d. any Wednesday, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street—Pearson, Mitre Court, Fen- church Street, wine-merchant ; first div. of Md. April 5, and three subsequent Satur- days ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Holdroyd, North Moor, Northumberland, farmer ; first and final div. of 7d. and 1-12th of a penny, ou any Saturday after March 29 ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne —Atkinson, Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, banker ; fourth and final div. of 23 6jd. (in addition to I Is. 7d. previously declared), any Satur- day after March 29; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne--Laidman senior, Penrith, Cumberland, banker ; second and final My. of Id. and 1-16th of a penny (in addition to Si. Md. previously declared) any Saturday after March 29 ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle- upoh-Tyne—Fletcher Birmingham, oilman ; first WA,. of 6s. 8d. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingbarn.


CLARKE and Co. Edinburgh, printers, April 4, 25. DttroweLL, J., Avoca], Ross-shire, saddler, AprIl 4, 25.

lli'Leasen, K., Plocktoun, Lochalsh, merchant, Apri3 May 2.

11'Nrvssr, J., Glasgow, farmer, April 5, 25. STEVENSON, H., Glasgow, mason, April 4, May 9.

Friday, April 4.


Sharp and Hutchinson, Pudsey, Yorkshire, common-brewers--TomlInsonandKeary, Stoke-upon-Trent, attorneys—Perkes and Barton, Liverpool, commission-agents- Sliehardson and Midgley, Kingston-upon-Hull, drapers—Bowen and Lloyd, Greenwich, surgeons—Overton and Langley, 'Orton, Lincolnshire, carpenters—S. and E. F. Satter- thwalte, Manchester, carriers—Lewis and Turpin, Brighton, timber-merchants—Mac- 'can't, and Sons, Liverpool, joiners—Wilson and Harris, Coventry, coal-merchants- Taylor and Son, Bristol, drapers—Beynon and Lowther, Newport, Monmouthshire, -shipbrokers—Kenyon and Co., Rochdale, butter-merchants—Catlleys and Carr, Moor- -gate Street ; as for as regards S. W. Cattley—Josland and Baker, Exeter, drapers— Baird and Brown, Glasgow and Port Dundas, timber-merchants; as far as regards A. Campbell—Ellington and Sons, Glasgow ; as far as regards T. Ellington.


FIELDING, WILLIAM, Taunton, Lancashire, hat-plush-manufacturer.


BIDDER, SAMUEL PARKER, Fleetwood-on-Wyre, Lancashire, slate-dealer, to surren- der April 14, May 9 : solicitors Messrs. Bridger and Blake, London Wall ; and Mr. Dodge, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.

Correast, JAMBS Kumar, Glastonbury, grocer, April 23, May la : solicitors, Messrs. Nash and Rooke, Glastonbury, Somersetshire ; official assignee, Mr. Kyuaston, Bristol.

Cosa's, Jona, and SEIGNETTE, LOUIS ELIZE, Mincing Lane, merchants, April 17, May 16: solicitors, Messrs. Treherne and White, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell.

DAY, CusaLss, Acton Street, Gray's Inn Road, out of business, April 16, May 16: solicitors, Messrs. Pain and 'fatherly, BasInghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

DINGLEY, THOMAS, Strutton Ground, draper, April II, May 16 : solicitors, Messrs. Dean and Co. St. Swithlu's Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. WILLIAM, Brighton, boarding-housekeeper, April 16, May 16: solicitor, Mr. Sanford. John Street, Adelphl ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. Ilearawas, HENRY, Shrewsbury, plumber, April 14, May 16: solicitors, Mr. Parker, New Boswell Court ; Mr. Powell, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whit- more, Birmingham.

LAMPARD, Jona, Stanhope Street, Clare Market, printer, April 15, May 13: solici- tors, Messrs. Vandercom & Co. Bush Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

PAULTON, JOHN, High Street, marble-mason, April 11, May 16 : solicitor, Mr. Letts, Bartlett's Buildings ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

SIMPSON, ALEXANDER HORATIO, Blaekfriars Road, engineer, April 15, May 24: -solicitor, Mr. Michael, Red Lion Square ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court, Basiaghall Street.

WARD, RICHARD Groans, and PERRY, JOHN, Newgate Market, meat-salesmer, April 15, May 24 : solicitor, Mr. Young, Warwick Square, Newgate Street; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street.


April 25, Bohn, King William Street, Strand, bookseller—April 25, F. B. and W. Stacey, Lawrence Lane, warehousemen—April 25, Nash and Tomlinson junior, York, mustard-manufacturers—May I, Lewis, Ilaverfordwest, cabinet-maker— April 25, Ber- ridge, Manchester, tobacconist—April 30, Evans, Manchester, banker—April 29, Green- wood, Bradford, Yorkshire, bookseller—April 25, Crisp, Liverpool, auctioneer—May 1. Coleman and Co. Leominster, bankers.


lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

April 25, Browning, Old Bailey, innkeeper—April 29, Forrester, New Cut, harm- merchant—April 25, Birley, 13rompton-row, plumber—April 26, Robinson, Holborn, tailor—April 25, Marshall, Deptford, stone-mason—April 25, Crabb, Great Tey, Essex, bricklayer—April 25, Rees, Liverpool, brewer. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on orbefore April 25. Barwick, Old Street, wheelwright—W. and R. Smith, Bow Lane, warehousemer- Dettmer, Upper Marylebone Street, planoforte-manufacturer—Chamock, Wakefield, share-broker—Brideson,Clare Street, cheesemonger—Hanvar, Charlotte Street, Blooms- 'bur'y, planoforte-manufacturer—Stute.hbury, Theobald's Road, dealer-in-curiosities.


Robertson, Great St. Helen's, insurance-broker; first die'. of I ld., April 5, and three -subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Gray, Jermyn-street, tailor; second div. of 104., April 5, and three subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Richards, Oxford Street, livery-stable-keeper ; first div. of 3s., April 5, and three subesquent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.


WOORKINDALE, D., Glasgow, merchant, April 10, May 15.

M'Nivete, D., Greenvale Glasgow, chymist, April 9 and 30. BRAN, D., Edinburgh, bOotmaker, April 8 and 29.