5 APRIL 1856, Page 13


The " peace " has been solemnized at the Varietes by a little jen d'esprit entitled Domm-snoi la Pair. M: Benett; a Frankfort tailor, who is moreover an enthusiastic admirer of Mr. Cobden's views, has written directly to the Sultan and the Czar in order to promote the pacification of Europe. A wag, who lodges in the same house, fabricates the answers to his epistles; and the man of peace finds himself possessed of two odalesques, the gift of the Turkish po- pentate, and half-a-dozen serfs and a bear, the donations of the Muscovite Emperor. These costly testimonials of Imperial grati- tude suggest uneasy notions of household expenditure to the amiable Benett ; and when the representatives of the two Absolute Governments quarrel with each other • and turn the peaceful lodging into a field of battle their presence becomes an intolerable nuisance... Of course, all the intruders prove to be disguised humourists ; but the announcement of the real, peace, as given in La .Patrie, is read as a conclusion to the

story. . . . .

A four-act drama in verse, entitled Michel Cervantes, has lately been produced at the Odeon; and the cause of the literary profession is ably advocated by the author of Don Quixote, represented by M. Tisseraut. i

The piece s written by M. Theodore Muret.