5 APRIL 1913, Page 18


[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "BrserAros.") SIR,—With reference to an incident in the House of Commons reported in the Times of the 27th ultimo, I think it might interest some of your readers to refer to Lord Macaulay,s speech on February 19th, 1844, on "the state of Ireland," in the course of which he said, "You excuse yourselves by saying that now the responsibilities of office are upon you. In plain words your trick has served its purpose." I have quoted from the octavo edition of Lord Macaulay's works published by Longmans in 1875. "Hansard," to which I have not access at present, might show that exception was taken to the word " trick "; but it seems to be of interest that Macaulay thought it in order,I am, Sir, &c., ZETETEB.