5 APRIL 1924, Page 10

Mr. Sastri made a forceful speech at Delhi recently recommending

the Government to take effective steps to prevent the South African Government from imposing. restrictions on Indians. The Times Delhi correspondent informs us that although Mr. Sastri did not press for extreme action at the moment, he stated that the time might come when the only course would be the resig- nation of the Indian Government. The whole question of Indo-South African relations illustrates the extra- ordinary difficulty of running a world-wide Common- wealth. But surely Indian critics, and especially those who are demanding Dominion status for India, should realize that Great Britain cannot interfere in the internal affairs of South Africa. Our Commonwealth is made up of free States. The Government of the British Isles cannot in any degree be held responsible for what takes place in the Union of South Africa. When the time comes for India to receive Dominion home rule what would Mr. Sastri say if the South African Government asked the Government of Great Britain to interfere in Indian affairs ?