5 APRIL 1935, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,--Janus seems curiously perplexed by the Eat More Bread campaign. There is indeed, as he surmises, an army (not great, but not contemptible) of potential bread-eaters, or . rather, of obstinate abstainers. Poverty is not in question, for the late King Edward was its leader. Has Janus never seen the slogan " Makes you Fit and keeps you Slim " ? Has he not met with ryvita, mac-vita, vita-wheat and the other varieties of "crisp-breads " warranted to build bony.

bodies without fat ? Does Janus himself fearlessly consume as much white bread, new bread, thick breacl as he may desire, without an anxious thought for his figure ? If so, Janus is a happy:man. But let him consider the extent and ardour of this slimming business, and he will understand why the millers are worried. For myself, I sympathize with the millers as the walrus with the oysters, but for the opposite

reason.—Yours faithfully, SYLVA NOR3LAN. 19 Woodstock Close, Oxford.