5 APRIL 1957, Page 37



1 'I deeply ,' said the Walrus (10). 1 We hear the money is hidden here (4). ) A little glutton makes a somewhat tardy re-

appearance (5).

Where Ruth stood in tears is somewhat confused


Ladders for the troops? (8) `But such a tide as moving seems -' (Tenny- son) (6).

15 A victory sign on the river (4). 76 Jane takes a journey (4). 17 Shake up a drink for the toast (5). :2) pound I know will provide the answer (5). 21 Sweet and low, no doubt (4). t A new bonnet caused one of these to be turned

to a sonnet (4). 24 G sharp, diagrammatically shown (6).

2 Dramatic skeleton (8). '1 'When the foeman bares his steel -' (W. S. Gilbert) (9). ) He's a Trojan, apparently! (5) 3 1 The girl whose bonnet inspired 22's substitute PS(4). 3 This is no place for old salts, evidently (10).

1. 1.

DOWN I Greeting intended to soothe (5).

2 The key should (9).

3 'And - in the west wind, and daffodils' (Masefield) (6).

4 He seems a commonplace chap in the transport business (7-3).

5 Two pullovers go with this shirt (4).

7 Morning ice-cream in a wrap (5).

8 What the P.R.O. does with his prepared state- ment? (9) 9 A wreath? Certainly, when convenient (7).

14 The women (14).

15 'See you 10 -,' as they say (9).

18 Depressing location of a sole appearance (9).

19 Can you spell this? (7) 23 Where to read about ancient London in Devon? (6)

25 This town was no protection for an eavesdropper (5).

27 Unblemished award (5).

28 Don't we have fun? Not at this one! (4)

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luse edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on April 16 and addressed: Crossword No. 934, 99 Gower St., London, WU,

Chamhe'res Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

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Solut on on April 19 Solution to No. 932 on page 466 The winners of Crossword No. 932 are : 1...r.-Cos.. R. B. COODDEN, Falmouth, and Ma. W. E. Gupiruu.„ Dewsbury.