5 AUGUST 1837, Page 13


On the 30th ult., in Mansfield Street, the Marchioness of SLUT°, of a daughter.

On the 2,1 inst.. in Connaught Place, the Viscountess illarraan, of a daughter.

The reigning Princess of LICHTENSTEIN, of a Princess, 011 the 2i1 inst., at Ickworth. tile seat of the Marquis of Bristol, Lady KATHERIOR J./TINTO, or a son. At Howth. Dublin, the Lady of the Right lion. Justice PERRIN, of a daughter. On the 31st ult., at the Rectory, Rimpton, Somerset, the lion. Mrs. MAURICK, oft


On the 30th ult., at Smithery, Norfolk, the Lady of the Rev. JAMS/ Klitaisavatet,

of a son.

Ou the 31st ult., in Mile Street, Manchester Square, the Lady of the Rev. SANUV.

l'avwrea. of a son, still-born.

On the 31st ult., the lady of Arcndeacon How NOSIVORTIF, of a son.

On the 28th ult., at Brussels, the Lady of M. G. Beason, Esq.. of Lukeryck 11.11, Salop, of a daughter.

on the 24 inst., at Aldbury, the La ly of the Rev. JAMIN GALLOWAY, of a son. On the Sat inst., in Harley Street, time Lady of EDWARD S. Jona. MILDNAT, Esq.,

of a daughter.


On the 3,1 inst., at Bray. the lion. WILLEA r,,,warto FITZ WAUIITCE, of the Si Lifts Guards, youngest son of the late Rigid Hon. Viscount Kirkwall, to Errata, daughter of the late Henry Hartle* Esq.. of Down Place, Berks. At Port Louis. the lion. S. VILLIERS SURTEES, one of her Majesty's Judges of the Supreme Court of Mauritius. to Harm arra. eldest daughter of Lieut.-Col. Staveley, C. It., late Commander °film Forces in that Island. 011 the 1st inst., RI ChriSICIIRTC11, Mlityleb011e, CHARLES GINKF.I.I. LANDON, Esq., of the Bengal Army, eldest son of the late Iley. Charles Richard Landon, Rector of Vange. Essex, to LOUISA, fourth daughter of Benjamin Aialabie, Esq., of Park Place, Regent's Park. On the 29th ult.. at St. Mary's Bryanston Square, W. F. Germ, EARNER, Ems., of Nonsuch Park. Surry. to MATILDA, second daughter of Robert Wilkinson, Bub of Montagu Square.

On the 25th lust., at Dunstable, the Rey. A. G. Pemberton, son of the late Alder- man Pemberton, Chief Magistrate of the Dubltnyolice, to M A ar„ youngest daughter of George Crass icy, Esq., of Dunstable. A. fiat h, RICHARD THDNAS GORE, Esq„ of Queen Square. son of the late Richard Gore, of Lumville, in the King's County. Ireland, to Louis s, daughter of E. Arm- strong, Esq.. of the Island of Grenada. At Little Thurlow, Suffolk. the Rev.C. LAN/RELT„ Rector of Little Bradley, Suffolk, to CATHERINE, daughter of Frederic C. Mortlock, Esq. On the 24 inst., at Alresford, the Rev. G. IL I/ORASTON, Vicar of lielston, Cornwall, to LOUISA, youngest daughter of the late Christopher Cooke, Esq., of Estend House. Hants.


At DIITIVIS/111S, after a few Lours' Iilmms, .1 cholera. WILLIAM WASH/LAW 11411(SAY. Esq., of Whitetail, eldest son of the lately deceased Robert Wardlaw Ramuy. Esq., of Whitebill. and of Moray Place, Edinbergh.

On the 1st inst., in Si. James's Palace, in her 84th year, Lady B , widow of the late Sir Frederick Armee Barnard. K.C.H., arty-nine years Librarian to his late Majesty George the Third.

At Cardiff. Glamorganshire. FRANCIS, Wife of the Hon. William Booth Grey. At Brasiers, Oxfordeldre, Faattces, Wife or George Mauley, Esq., Admiral of the Red.

At Larva. Major-Geoeral R. Sunrise, late of the Royal Irish Artillery.