5 AUGUST 1837, Page 13


Arrived—At Gravesend, Aug. 5t11, Orontes, Marshall. from Madras. At Liverpool icily 29th, Bahamian, Tigard. from Bengal; 31st. London, Hoodless. from ditto an I 411t, Pekoe,— . front ditto. At St. Helena June 7th, Ferglisson, Young. flout Bengal; 901. Florentia, Deloette, from New South Wales; 10th. William, ('his k. front Bombay and 12th, Narcissus, Cerry, Ifrom Bengal. At the Cape, May 19th, Perthshire, Jam r son, from Leith ; and 21s1, Orator, Terry, from Bengal. Sailed—From Gravesend. Jnly 30th, Ganges. Ardlie, for Bombay ; 31st, Arno Robertson, Hamilton, from China; Aug. 1st. Broxbornebury, Chapman, for newt:. ad, Scotia. Campbell. for ditto; and Conder, May, for the Cape. From Liverpool.July 29111, Thomas Harrison, liarrison, for Bombay; and Aug. 1st, Copeland, Crawl:Or.) for China.