5 AUGUST 1837, Page 13



During the whole of the week money has been abundant; and the price of Consols, which on Monday was 91i for the Account, has reached 911 and 92, at which it seems firm. Exchequer Bills anti India Bonds have also participated in the improvement, and the premium advanced to 52 and 54; It has since fallen to 58.

In the Foreign Stocks, a good deal of business was done in the early part of the week ; but the demand has fallen off. Spanish Bonds have experienced a slight advance, and are now at 22A. Portuguese Five per Cents., which at the beginning of the week were quoted at 41A, are at 41/.

The Share Market is dull. London and Birmingham are at 40; Great Western si to 9 ; North-Midland, par to 1; Rennie's Brighton 21 to II dis- count; Eastern•Counties 1 to I a discount ; Southampton 20 to 19 discount.

Accounts have been received from New York to the 10th instant. Business was in a very unsettled state, and much anxiety exists in the City as to theeffect in the United States of the stoppage of the great American houses, which was not known when the last packet left. A fresh supply of American Bank Bills have been received by the last packet, some of them drawn in sums as low as 3001. : they are taken off freely in the present state of the market. It appears that the Upper Canada Banks will be obliged to suspend payment, notwithstanding the assistance of Governor ilEA 14 One source of their embarrassment is the advance on certain Government Debentures, for which they can now get no available funds. In his speech on the subject of the cur- rency, delivered about two months ago, Governor WAD stated the amount of specie in the Toronto banks to be considerably more than it really was. By an arrival from Buenos Ayres, bringing letters to May 13th, it appear. that the Oriental Republic of Uruguay is threatened with a renewal of intestine troubles. The President was preparing a force to put down the malecontents. The South American Stocks have not experienced much variation of price during the week. Columbian are quoted at 241 to 25%; Chilian 30 to 32; and Mexican 24% to 25.

Little business was done on 'Change to day, except betting on the result of the Middlesex election. The anxiety seemed to be as great as at a period of a monetary crisis ; especially as the returns of the numbers from the different Committees varied considerably.

SATURDAY. TOPLYIL o'ri.oca. steady. lir the Foreign house the quotations are without vari.ILICID, and bear the prices of yesterday, with the exception of Spanish Bonds, which have declined to 223, sellers.

3 per Cent. Consols

In the English Market there:81:in: or no business doing. and the prices are Brazilian 5 per Cents 844 Ditto for Accon tit 914 92 Dutch 24 per Cents 721 34 8 per Cent. Reduced 924 g Danish 53g 1 New 34 per Cent. Anus 991 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts. 41 g

flank Stock 211 Ditto 3 per Cent. 264 India Stuck

Bonds Russian (1822)5 per Cent... 1091 104


51 53 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 221 I Exchequerpil la 51 63 Deferred Stock 74 tii Belgian 5:per Cents 1024 Passive Ditto 541