5 AUGUST 1865, Page 1

The Russian cattle pest has, it appears, been imported into

England, and is producing the greatest alarm. It is a catarrhal affection, producing a purulent humour, which has a tendency to work outwards, is highly contagious, and nearly always fatal. It first appeared in London last week, and within a few days the cowkeepers had lost 30,0001. It has since appeared in the Essex Marshes, in Lambeth, at Portsmouth, and in the Midland Counties, though the last two instances are doubtful. The only remedies are the seclusion of the infected animals or instant slaughter, and the keepers are calling on Government to create by order in Council an official inspectorate, with compulsory powers. Strict orders have been issued to examine all animals imported, but more than this is required, more especially if it be true, as affirmed by a con- temporary, that the meat of the diseased animals is sold at a cheap rate to the London sausage-makers. One such instance at least has been detected in Homerton, and the sausage-maker fined 51. with costs. It will be necessary, if the practice continues, to increase these fines till bad meat, even if obtained gratis, will not pay-