5 AUGUST 1865, Page 3

Thehown Connell of Bradford have done something very un- usualcin

town councils--developed an idea. They are about, on the angestion of the Town' Clerk,% Mr. Rayner, to bring a Bill into POliament enabling them to establish a municipal savings' bank. In this bank they will receive deposits from one shilling op-wards, giving .depositors of less than 501. interest at 3fr per cent., and Of more town bonds paying 4 per cent: The money thus lent in. small sums will be employed on public works, and as Mr. Rayner apparently calculates will supply the Council with a new resource, while giving the working men a new interest in municipal affairs. The plan has been laid before Mr. Gladstone, and has received this warm approval. It certainly seems a most sensible one and if the Council can find remunerative work to do, would almost indefinitely increase the resources of the town. Even if spent on usremunerative work, -Bradford will probably borroW cheaper in this way than in.open market, while the depositor will have just the same interest in the prosperity of the town that the fundholder has in the prosperity of Great: Britain.