5 AUGUST 1899, Page 24


(Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] America in the East. By William Elliot Griffis. (J. Clarke and Co.)—Mr. Griffis explains the purpose of his book by his sub-title, "A Glance at Our History, Prospects, Problems, and Duties in the Pacific Ocean." It is one of the many indications of the far-reaching changes which have been wrought by recent events in American feeling. What the States have done, and what they will do hereafter, in *hat is to them a yet more remote West, is the theme of this book. The author is, perhaps, a little optimistic. Dutch colonial government is not the absolute Suc- cess which his filial feeling would have us believe. The Dutch colonies have been exploited not very scrupulously for the benefit of Holland. He denies, again, Mr. Kidd's theory that the white man cannot live in the tropics. We hope that he may be right ; but can a race be really at home in a country where their children degenerate ? We need hardly say that there is much that is interesting in the book.