5 AUGUST 1966, Page 13

The Catholic Marxists SIR, —In your last issue Fr Bright denied

that he was a Marxist and said that I was unable to read 'an original source' or else was guilty of deliberate dis- tortion. In the same issue, another correspondent quoted these words from the same original source— 'the only body of thought that the Christian could support today was the Marxist one.' The words were attributed to Fr Bright.

As I fully expected, Fr McCabe and Mr Cunning- ham carefully dodged my statement that atheism is intrinsic to Marxism, Mr Cunningham dropping names like smoke canisters to cloud the issue that he cannot face. It is typical of his shuffling that he did not himself deny that Marx was anti-Semitic, but called in a professor to make the preposterous asser- tion for him.

But Fr Bright has more to answer for. He is on the editorial board of Slant, which recommended the Communist party as a suitable party for Catholics to join and published an article on the Eucharist that

lay somewhere in the range between buffoonery and blasphemy. Fr Bright is a priest. Can anyone be sur- prised that I used the word 'scandal'? COLM BROGAN

28 Ridgmount Gardens, London, WC1 [This correspondence is now closed.—Editor,