5 AUGUST 1989, Page 23

Blond is beautiful

Sir: Your diarist Mr Worsthorne refers to Anthony Blond as 'a much better writer than publisher' (22 July). He must have a high opinion of Mr Blond's jottings. For the record, I was Blond's partner for nearly 20 years: during that time, we published such English and first novelists as Simon Raven, Isabel Colegate, Jennifer Dawson, David Benedictus, Spike Milligan, Alan Williams; our American novelists ranged from Harold Robbins to Gore Vidal; we enjoyed a high reputation with our educa- tional text books, and on the non-fiction side our list was graced with such as Patrick Campbell and E. F. Schumacher.

Anent the latter, it was in the office you now occupy that I coined the phrase Small is Beautiful.

Desmond Briggs,

Old Werretts, Castle Combe, Chippenham, Wiltshire