5 DECEMBER 1840, Page 5


l'he Commis,: .t•al A once to the r...,Ittes.

the Commi,,,i.n,, having observed. :hat (nice eught to - ing in future 0.00 I.L it was re-,Iv, Iy • fer the re.:•L'Ill 11.■, the speedy recoy cry and child. 'Ile S's: les Majesty on the joy nit ,-..

At the ne enny ,

re,day, a na,alo: Normanhy. Cr'w • the transmiss:or. Ci Now that :Ile power in Glas:ow, they are addicted m tIumIg

Oa Tuesday. t. bah .

Town-hall, on accede.. lb

A patent hes re.. en.," s lv, ,1 by le Royal in (l:- 'iv. to a iSO ti:' -ci,! attached; :in.'. s tent is gra.ne•i aer tw, teatees, who s ,s of them. e n trust.— Wren s. n'Int The .1.•;t0•4 • inereasieg I the; city0. only n ho Inns: reside.: mite l';•V,:.1' 110:•*,

diffusing contagion.

T11...1C WAS 0 fog in '1: do en equal in denseness tel th.'d s Inner day. Some of the ; Were detained, atter needh an; the fog; and none of the ste.iime's

Clyde. Daring the niflit P lii:. i..


sesehly met on I. riday with refer- YOUltell; which, however, • sein-ed to reeognize. Dr. Lee esl ef iovernme■it do, tmients be- ;11 re,segeize, ei• timenseiving -; snyee fur of I el mother cOO .11 all addl,....S$ to her

ow, on Wed- .,: Marquis of

s to prevent en of the reins of s a! hon. strongly or Cry respect. - given in the Pest.

a new Theatre

' s ;;Iready been ',ens The pa- . •,ty or tire pa- ,t.nty, or any two :cd to aeeept the

• ' end Sstuiday last, ;it London on the , iday evening ;l ;Ss ;losses through t,',* ,Iewn the aed inn.; suddenly dis-

: the 111011.1) fever has been

remarks, that those

.iiiinitted into

r.111!',...1',: re le t in their lodninns