5 DECEMBER 1863, Page 2

A numerously attended meeting of the Bar was held on

Wed- nesday last in the hall of Lincoln's Inn to consider the present system of law reporting. The Attorney-General was in the chair, and two resolutions, respectively moved and seconded by Mr. Daniel, Q.C., and Sir Hugh Cairns, Sir Fitzroy Kelly, and Mr. Mehl*, Q.C., declared that the system required amendment, and that a committee of nine leaders and twelve juniors should consider the subject, and report to a future meeting. Considerable oppo- sition, however, manifested itself, and Mr. Denman, M.P., Q.C., was added to the committee, seemingly as a representative of the malcontents. What is wanted is that a really authoritative

report of all the decisions in all the courts should be pub- lished at a price not exceeding 4/. a year, so that every report shall be published within a month of'• the decision. If this result can be obtained it will, no doubt, be a public benefit, and we shall look with interest for the report of the Committee.